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Page 6 of 12, showing 5 Applications out of 57 total, starting on record 26, ending on 30

# Protocol No Study Title Investigator(s) & Site(s)


ECCT/15/11/04   VAC040
    A Phase 1/2, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of Stretococcus pneumoniae Whole Cell Vaccine, Inactivated and Adsorbed to Aluminum Hydroxide (PATH-wSP) in Healthy Kenya Young Adults (18 - 40years) and Toddlers (12 - 19months)   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. John Anthony Gerard Scott
Site(s) in Kenya
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Program


    A Phase 1/2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Dose-Finding Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of Inactivated  Streptococcus pneumoniae Whole Cell Vaccine Formulated with Alum (PATH-wSP) in Healthy Kenyan Young Adults and PCV-Primed Toddlers (12-15 Months of Age)       
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Nekoye Namungu Otsyula
2. Walter Otieno
Site(s) in Kenya
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)/Walter Reed Project, Kombewa Clinical Research Center


ECCT/23/11/04   AUB Study
    A phase 1, single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the safety, tolerability and initial efficacy of AHC01 delivered via transcervical catheter in adult females (25-55 years), experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding and scheduled for a hysterectomy.   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Dr Alice Kaaria
Site(s) in Kenya
Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)


ECCT/20/06/09   HIV-CORE 006
    A Phase 1 Trial of ChAdOx1- and MVA-vectored Conserved Mosaic HIV-1 Vaccines in Healthy, Adult HIV-1-negative Volunteers in Eastern and Southern Africa   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Professor Walter Jaoko, Jaoko,
Site(s) in Kenya
1. KAVI-Institute of Clinical Research (Nairobi City county)
2. KEMRI/ Wellcome Trust Research Programme (Kilifi county)


ECCT/20/10/01   HIV-CORE 006
    A Phase 1 Trial of ChAdOx1- and MVA-vectored Conserved Mosaic HIV-1 Vaccines in Healthy, Adult HIV-1-negative Volunteers in Eastern and Southern Africa.    
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Eduard J Sanders
Site(s) in Kenya
1. KEMRI Mtwapa Research Clinic (Kilifi county)
2. KAVI-ICR Nairobi (Nairobi City county)