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# Protocol No Study Title Investigator(s) & Site(s)


ECCT/21/04/01   FujiLAM Study
    Diagnostic performance of a novel lipoarabinomannan test (FujiLAM) to detect tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients in Kenya   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Helena Huerga
Site(s) in Kenya
Homabay County Teaching and Referral Hospital


ECCT/18/01/01   Mal 094
    Efficacy, safety and immunogenicity study of GSK Biologicals’ candidate malaria vaccine (SB257049) evaluating schedules with or without fractional doses, early Dose 4 and yearly doses, in children 5-17 months of age.   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Aaron Samuels
2. Simon Kariuki
Site(s) in Kenya
1. Siaya County Referral hospital (Siaya county)
2. Ngiya Health Center (Siaya county)
3. Kogelo Health Center (Siaya county)
4. Tingwangi (Siaya county)
5. Mulaha (Siaya county)
6. Nyathengo (Siaya county)
7. Bal Olengo (Siaya county)


ECCT/16/04/01   HVTN 703/HPTN 081 Protocol A phase 2b study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of VRC01 broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody in reducing acquisition of HIV-1 infection
    HVTN 703/HPTN 081   A phase 2b study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of VRC01 broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody in reducing acquisition of HIV-1 infection   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Dr. Victor Akelo Akelo
Site(s) in Kenya


ECCT/20/10/02   MALCOV
    Malaria as a risk factor for COVID-19 in western Kenya and Burkina Faso (MALCOV)   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. Simon Kariuki
2. Helen Barsosio
Site(s) in Kenya
1. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOORTH), (Kisumu county)
2. Kisumu County Referral Hospital. (Kisumu county)
3. Alupe sub-County Hospital, (Busia county)
4. Bondo sub-County Hospital, (Siaya county)
5. Macalder (Nyatike) sub-County Hospital (Migori county)
6. Migori County Teaching and Referral Hospital; (Migori county)


ECCT/15/01/05   In vivo efficacies of AL and DP
    Open label randomized study evaluating the in vivo efficacies of Artemether-lumefantrine and Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children under five years of age in western Kenya.   
Principal Investigator(s)
1. AAron Samuels
2. Simon Kariuki
Site(s) in Kenya
Siaya District Hospital